Pawn Loans
Get An Instant Pawn
Loan Today For Your
Items Of Value
A pawn is simply a short-term loan with collateral when you need cash quickly! Why should you consider pawning? It is a great for a fast loan that you intend to pay back quickly. You receive your cash within minutes! There are no credit checks!
Come to Wild Side with an item of value. Everything from tools, jewelry, electronics to vehicles are a possibility. Simply look at our specials here on this site to get an idea of the wide range of items that you can bring in to pawn. Unsure about an item? No worries! Our friendly team will assess your item to determine the value. We will then make you a great loan offer and provide you with documentation (a pawn ticket) to pay back the loan within 30 days according to Florida Laws. We will extend your loan for at least another 30 days when you pay an interest fee of 20%. We are wild about gaining and keeping your business! If you are a first-time customer pawning an item valued over $1000, your interest rate is only 10%!
Always remember that Wild Side is here to work with you. We review all terms with you on your loan, answer any questions to make sure you are 100% comfortable with your transaction. There are never any hidden fees (can you believe some places charge your $2 for your pawn ticket?) You can also pay back your loan prior to 30 days. What happens if 60 days is not enough time to repay? We offer renewals and extensions, or you may simply choose to surrender your item.
We provide our services expertly, quickly, and discreetly—you can be assured of complete confidentiality! Our goal is a happy customer whether you buy, trade or pawn with us!
We Accept Many Different Types Of Items
At Wild Side Pawn & Jewelry
- Jewelry
- Diamonds
- Gold
- Silver
- Platinum
- Power Tools
- Saws
- Lawn Equipment
- Air Compressors
- Sanders
- Laptops
- Tablets
- Video Game Consoles
- Cameras
- Flat Screen Tv’s